

Heute hat Evi auf der Straße Maddie gefunden: Einen Jagdhund, Pointer. Ein Hund, der zu einer Rasse gehört, die Menschen unwahrscheinlich liebt, die alles für ihre Familie tut, die mit der reinsten Seele. Sensibel, feinfühlig, anhänglich und liebevoll. Aber auch stolz, bildhübsch und elegant. Sehen Sie selbst, was Menschen aus dieser jungen Hündin gemacht haben :-(





Maddie wird jetzt ein besseres Leben beginnen, sie wird aufgepäppelt werden und geliebt - hoffentlich irgendwann bei einer Familie auf dem Sofa, auf dem sie sich dann so klein zusammenrollt wie eine Katze und glücklich seufzt...

Evi schreibt uns hierzu:

"Hello my friends. Today the hope will speak to you, not me as Evi. This afternoon i went to visit my girlfriend in a village 15 km from Karditsa. As i returned on a country road, i suddenly heared a voice: "Evi-Evi, here I am, do you see me? I waited you every day..." "Yes, I see you. You are very beautiful and you will be loved, thanks for waiting for me. So let's go and talk to the path, ok?" "OK, let's go".

And the dog started talking to me: "I once was a beautiful dog with a lot of weight. My boss was a hunter and every day we went together to the mountains for hunting, I was running like a kite and swim in rivers like the swan. My boss loved me too because I did my job well, but as time passed, I felt very weak and sick. Ι have this disease infected midges, my boss was not happy with my performance in the mountains, i was not running as before because i felt very very tired. But I loved my boss! One morning, he opened the hood of the car to go in, as we did every time we went hunting. I was sure this time we would go to the doctor although. As he opened the door, i flew off into something like farmland, then he closed the door and left quickly. I ran behind the car, but I was tired and I couldnt ran as fast.. then I realized, he had abandonment me. He should have better shot me with a gun and end my suffering. It would have been better for me than I would have to wait for tomorrow alone in the wilderness. I had a difficult night, very afraid, cold and hungry... The next morning I did not know who I was, several cars passed by and looked simply turned their gaze and left ... I walked and walked without destination, somewhere I found a chicken coop with chickens and not think of anything else but my hunger I went through perhaps find something to eat ... when the owner saw me pulled out his gun and shot ... how I regret that I do not succeeded ... I would love to die but there was no hope and meaning for my life… But today I know I felt a little different ... maybe I knew that you would come. Maybe these festive days, and I expect a gift and ... well you came and you not only turned his gaze, you just hugged me and gave me the most important gift ... The hope... that all this time I had lost ..."

For all creatures on earth which ALWAYS deserves hope and a chance... provided they do not we turn the gaze ... anyone who has need"

Evi and Hope


Gestern fand Evi neben einem Sportplatz eine Mutterhündin mit 4 Welpen...völlig unterernährt und unglücklich suchte die Mutter Evi's Nähe und Hilfe...

Doch Evi verzweifelte...wohin mit ihr und den Kleinen ??? Im Tierheim viel zu gefährlich, das Wetter, die Nässe dort, die Lungenentzündungen der Welpen...

Traurig fuhr sie nach Hause, überlegte hin und her...

Konnte sie sie zu Maddie bringen ? Maddie ist auf einem Gelände in der Nähe ihrer Arbeitsstelle...

Aber was würde passieren wenn Maddie und die Mutterhündin sich nicht mögen ? Oder es Ärger gibt wegen der Welpen ?

Doch heute hat sie es riskiert, und sehen Sie bitte was passiert ist...;-)

Maddie hat die Kleinen angenommen als wären es ihre eigenen...die Mutterhündin hat schwer zu tun auch mal zu ihren Welpen zu dürfen ;-)))



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